Forced master collegiate bloggings for kids with cancer and toy addiction

Thursday, October 28, 2010

And so it begins

Well, another day, another blog. This makes 7. Or 8. This, however, is a forced blog. A mandatory master college experience. Where I shall share my deepest thoughts, feelings, and "person who is an asshole" opinions regarding education, and the use of new technologies therein.

I shall be imparting to the world my vast troves of historical knowledge, which include (but are not limited to) several important dates during WWII; the names of at least (at the very least) 9 or 7 presidents; up to (but not promising) 2 vice presidents; one or more important women in history; and lastly, but certainly not leastly--why Andrew Jackson was the biggest badass to EVER run this country. A crazy, crazy man, that Andrew Jackson.

I love teaching, and I actually love history, and I think that I can make a rather terrific difference in the lives of the many children with whom I shall come into contact. Also, I will be delving into the world of social studies (because God help me get a job if i don't). Social studies will be great. Psychology, sociology, economics, geography--all interesting, all fun.

My teaching philosophy:
Bullet: Providing fair, and equitable education for everyone, regardless of background, race, socioeconomic status, etc.
Bullet: Recognizing that all students are diverse learners, and have distinct needs.
Bullet: Education should be one of the things in this country that provide all with an equal opportunity, regardless of class or socio economic status.
Bullet: Curriculum should be meaningful to all students.
